Why in the following short reprex I get an error for plotting a C5.0 tree when using tidymodels and I don't get same error when using C5.0 package directly ?
I used the same C50 parameters in both cases. I tried to find documentation about this but no success.
How to plot a tree produced by C5.0 in tidymodels ?
rcp <- recipe(Species ~ ., iris)
mdl <- decision_tree(mode ="classification", engine="C5.0")
wf <- workflow(rcp, mdl)
fttd <- fit(wf, iris)
#> Call:
#> C5.0.default(x = x, y = y, trials = 1, control = C50::C5.0Control(minCases =
#> 2, sample = 0))
#> C5.0 [Release 2.07 GPL Edition] Mon Sep 5 14:01:58 2022
#> -------------------------------
#> Class specified by attribute `outcome'
#> Read 150 cases (5 attributes) from undefined.data
#> Decision tree:
#> Petal.Length <= 1.9: setosa (50)
#> Petal.Length > 1.9:
#> :...Petal.Width > 1.7: virginica (46/1)
#> Petal.Width <= 1.7:
#> :...Petal.Length <= 4.9: versicolor (48/1)
#> Petal.Length > 4.9: virginica (6/2)
#> Evaluation on training data (150 cases):
#> Decision Tree
#> ----------------
#> Size Errors
#> 4 4( 2.7%) <<
#> (a) (b) (c) <-classified as
#> ---- ---- ----
#> 50 (a): class setosa
#> 47 3 (b): class versicolor
#> 1 49 (c): class virginica
#> Attribute usage:
#> 100.00% Petal.Length
#> 66.67% Petal.Width
#> Time: 0.0 secs
plot(fttd$fit$fit$fit) # Error in eval(parse(text = paste(obj$call)[xspot])) : object 'x' not found
#> Error in eval(parse(text = paste(obj$call)[xspot])): object 'x' not found
c50tr <- C50::C5.0(iris[,1:4], iris$Species, trials = 1, control = C50::C5.0Control(minCases = 2, sample = 0) )
#> Call:
#> C5.0.default(x = iris[, 1:4], y = iris$Species, trials = 1, control
#> = C50::C5.0Control(minCases = 2, sample = 0))
#> C5.0 [Release 2.07 GPL Edition] Mon Sep 5 14:01:58 2022
#> -------------------------------
#> Class specified by attribute `outcome'
#> Read 150 cases (5 attributes) from undefined.data
#> Decision tree:
#> Petal.Length <= 1.9: setosa (50)
#> Petal.Length > 1.9:
#> :...Petal.Width > 1.7: virginica (46/1)
#> Petal.Width <= 1.7:
#> :...Petal.Length <= 4.9: versicolor (48/1)
#> Petal.Length > 4.9: virginica (6/2)
#> Evaluation on training data (150 cases):
#> Decision Tree
#> ----------------
#> Size Errors
#> 4 4( 2.7%) <<
#> (a) (b) (c) <-classified as
#> ---- ---- ----
#> 50 (a): class setosa
#> 47 3 (b): class versicolor
#> 1 49 (c): class virginica
#> Attribute usage:
#> 100.00% Petal.Length
#> 66.67% Petal.Width
#> Time: 0.0 secs
plot(c50tr) # plots nice tree
Created on 2022-09-05 with reprex v2.0.2
You are getting an error because the plotting method for {C5.0} uses the call to do some of the plotting. This doesn't work with {parsnip} objects so we have to do some modifications to the object.
rcp <- recipe(Species ~ ., iris)
mdl <- decision_tree(mode = "classification", engine = "C5.0")
wf <- workflow(rcp, mdl)
fttd <- fit(wf, iris)
We fit the model like normal, then we extract the model fit of the engine (this is safer then doing $fit$fit$fit
fttd_engine <- extract_fit_engine(fttd)
The fit object has a x
and y
element we need to fill in. We can generate the data that will come out of the recipe in the workflow using the following code
prepped_predictors <- fttd |>
extract_recipe() |>
prep(iris) |>
bake(new_data = NULL, all_predictors())
Then we use the call_modify()
function from the {rlang} package to change the call
object of the fitted model to be "correct"
fttd_engine$call <- rlang::call_modify(
x = prepped_predictors,
y = iris$Species
And now it is ready to be used with plot()
fttd_engine |>
Created on 2022-09-06 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)