When attempting to solve my mathematical program, drake produces the RuntimeError: PyFunctionConstraint: Output must be of scalar type AutoDiffXd, but unable to infer scalar type.
The constraint responsible for the error is as follows:
def non_penetration_constraint(q):
plant_ad.SetPositions(context_ad, q)
Distances = np.zeros(6, dtype=q.dtype)
i = 0
for name in Claw_name:
g_ids = body_geometries[name]
assert(len(g_ids) == 1)
Distances[i] = query_object.ComputeSignedDistancePairClosestPoints(
Worldbody_id, g_ids[0]).distance
i += 1
return Distances
Called with:
for n in range(N-1):
# Non penetration constraint
lb = [0] * nf,
ub = [0] * nf,
vars = (q[:, n]))
Has anybody had a similar issue before?
I suspect that your query_object
(and perhaps other values) are not from the autodiff version of your plant/scene_graph.
Constraints implemented like this can potentially be called with q[0] either a type float or type AutoDiffXd. See the "writing custom evaluator" section of this Drake tutorial. In your case, the return value from your constraint is coming out of the query_object
, which is not impacted directly by the plant_ad.SetPositions
call (which seems suspicious). You'll want to make sure the query_object is generated from the autodiff scene_graph, and presumably after you set the positions to your constraint value.