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How best to do the row groupings in GT?

First, I am looking at this article ( It is well written and rather clear but trying to do something that is not explicitly outlined. My first attempt is below the sample data. I can get the first grouping, Nevada, to show up. My question is how I get the other 3 states to show up in the same way?

Here is the sample data and the desired result below. I am looking to group by the area.


  order2 <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4)
  area2 <- c("Nevada", "Nevada", "California", "California", "Arizona", "Arizona", "Utah", "Utah")
  estemp2 <- c(100,200,105,205,300,305,400,405)
  projemp2 <- c(110,115,210,215,310,315,410,415)

  test <- data.frame(order2,area2,estemp2,projemp2)

  testitem <- test %>% gt %>% tab_row_group(label = "Nevada", rows = order <2)

Desired output:

                        estemp       projemp
  Nevada                  100           110
                          200           115
  California              105           210
                          205           215
  Arizona                 300           310
                          305           315
  Utah                    400           410
                          405           415



  • We could iterate in a for loop

    testitem <- test %>% 
       select(-order2) %>% 
       gt(rowname_col = "area2")
    for(nm in rev(unique(test$area2)))
      testitem <- testitem %>%
      tab_row_group(label = nm, rows = which(test$area2 == nm))

    enter image description here

    If we don't want tab_row_group, just do a group_by and convert to gt

    test %>% 
       select(-order2) %>%
       group_by(area2) %>%


    enter image description here