I have many variables (5) and I want to check all interaction terms (ab on response, ac on response, etc.) on a multinomial response. something like the following where response has three levels:
I want to create contingency tables to see if separation exists at some levels between my predictors and response. I could write something manually to get the indicator counts at each combination like so:
but this seems cumbersome. Is there a way to output all possible three way combinations I can specify in some sort of table function with a formula input similar to the regression formula above?
Here is an example using in-built UCBasmissions dataset
(somedata <- as.data.frame(UCBAdmissions))
(collection <- setdiff(names(somedata), "Freq"))
(combinations <- combn(x = collection,
simplify = FALSE))
(all_results <- lapply(combinations, \(x){xtabs(data=somedata,
formula = as.formula(paste("~Freq",x[1],x[2],sep = " + ")))}))