I'm using multiple CASE WHEN to find device actions in selected days, but instead of getting only the abreviation names (like V or C), sometimes i get the full action name. If i try to replace the 'ELSE action' with ELSE '', i get some blanks, even though there aren't any blank actions... How can i improve my query?
SELECT device,
WHEN action='Vaccum' AND strftime('%d', timestamp_action) = '25' THEN 'V'
WHEN action='Cooling' AND strftime('%d', timestamp_action) = '25' THEN 'C' ELSE action END AS '25',
WHEN action='Vaccum' AND strftime('%d', timestamp_action) = '26' THEN 'V'
WHEN action='Cooling' AND strftime('%d', timestamp_action) = '26' THEN 'C' ELSE action END AS '26',
FROM diary WHERE strftime('%m', timestamp_action = '08')
GROUP BY device
ORDER BY device
I want to get the latest action on selected days of all devices. I have around 100 devices and i need the actions for the entire month.
Example table:
timestamp_action | device | action
2022-08-25 11:08 | 1 | Cooling
2022-08-25 11:09 | 1 | Vaccum
2022-08-25 11:08 | 2 | Cooling
2022-08-26 11:10 | 2 | Vaccum
2022-08-26 11:11 | 2 | Cooling
2022-08-26 12:30 | 1 | Vaccum
So the result i'm looking for is:
device | 25 | 26 .....
1 | V | V
2 | C | C
Use 2 levels of aggregation:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT device,
strftime('%d', timestamp_action) day,
CASE action WHEN 'Vaccum' THEN 'V' WHEN 'Cooling' THEN 'C' ELSE action END action,
MAX(timestamp_action) max_timestamp_action
FROM diary
WHERE strftime('%Y-%m', timestamp_action) = '2022-08'
GROUP BY device, day
SELECT device,
MAX(CASE WHEN day = '25' THEN action END) `25`,
MAX(CASE WHEN day = '26' THEN action END) `26`
FROM cte
GROUP BY device;
See the demo.