This issue has been raised before but so far I couldn't find a solution that worked in boto3. GSI is set on 'solutionId' and partition key being 'emp_id'. Basically, I just want to delete all records in the table without deleting the table itself. What am I missing here?
table_name = "solutions"
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
dynamodb_resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb_resource.Table(table_name)
data = table.scan()
delete_list = []
for item in data['Items']:
'DeleteRequest': {
'Key': {
'solutionId': {"S": f'{item["solutionId"]}'}
def list_spliter(list, size):
return (list[pos:pos + size] for pos in range(0, len(list), size))
for batch in list_spliter(delete_list, 25):
f'{table_name}': batch
I think there are two small issues here:
"key" : "value"
rather than "key": {"S": "value"}
for the string keysSo, for example, if your partition and sort keys are named pk
and sk
'DeleteRequest': {
'Key': {
'pk': pk,
'sk': sk