I'm new to Quarkus and now writing a small application (quarkus, psql). I wrote two microservices. One for user data and another for points data. User app return data in correct json format
"username": "mishamba",
"publicName": "misha",
"email": "[email protected]",
"createdOn": "2022-08-28T19:03:53.537+00:00"
But point app return data in this format.
Location(id=2, coordinate=(45.0, 50.0), title=fish store, description=Greatest fish store in city, graphicMaterialPath=null, address=Chargaly 79, creatorUsername=mishamba, createdOn=2022-09-05 17: 03: 20.910009, lastUpdateDate=null)
Just as string. How to fix it and make app return correct json.
Here is code samples
Entity class:
@Table(name = "locations")
@TypeDef(name = "psqlPoint", typeClass = PGPointUserType.class)
public class Location {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
@Column(name = "coordinate")
@Type(type = "psqlPoint")
private PGpoint coordinate;
private String title;
private String description;
@Column(name = "graphic_materials_path")
@Type(type = "com.pointer.util.psql.type.GenericArrayUserType")
private List<String> graphicMaterialPath;
private String address;
@Column(name = "creator_username")
private String creatorUsername;
@Column(name = "creation_date")
private Date createdOn;
@Column(name = "last_update_date")
private Date lastUpdateDate;
@Produces(value = "application/json")
public class LocationController {
private LocationService locationService;
public Response getLocationById(@PathParam("locationId") Integer locationId) {
Location location = locationService.getLocation(locationId);
return Response.ok(location).build();
Just add this dependency.