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Run inno script compiler in gitlab cicd

I enable CI/CD in gitlab. I would like to, in the build job, compile a setup made with inno setup. This is yaml gitlab configuration related to build job:

        stage: build
        - echo building project...
        - C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\msbuild /target:Build /property:config=Release /verbosity:q Project1.dproj /p:DCC_BuildAllUnits=true /p:"Platform=Win32"
        - iscc "path/file.iss"
           name: "test"
              - Win32\Release\Project1.exe

But, when i execute the pipeline I got this error:

ISCC : Termine 'ISCC' non riconosciuto come nome di cmdlet, funzione, programma eseguibile o file script. Controllare 
l'ortografia del nome o verificare che il percorso sia incluso e corretto, quindi riprovare.

I launch this pipeline in my windows machine and I already add environment variables in the system.

Anyone has idea why is wrong?

Thanks in advance


  • You probably need to specify the full path to your InnoSetup installation folder, or add the folder to the PATH in System Environment variables.