I am looking to measure the minimum and maximum diameter of multiple particles (groups) in a TIFF image.
This is my current code:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from skimage import measure
import os
import pandas as pd
import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings(action='once')
dirname1 = path
final1 = []
for fname in os.listdir(dirname1):
im = Image.open(os.path.join(dirname1, fname))
imarray = np.array(im)
final1 = np.asarray(final1)
groups, group_count = measure.label(final1 == 0, return_num = True, connectivity = 2)
print('Groups: \n', groups)
print(f'Number of particles: {group_count}')
df1 = (pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(['Particle #', 'Size [pixel #]'],
np.unique(groups, return_counts=True))))
.loc[lambda d: d['Particle #'].ne(0)]
df1.index -= 1
props = measure.regionprops_table(groups, properties = ['label', 'equivalent_diameter'])
df1_new = pd.DataFrame(props)
My TIFF image looks like this: Image example (I normally work with multiple TIFF images)
In my code, I have used skimage to calculate the equivalent diameter. However, I need the min/max Feret diameter in the df1 DataFrame as well.
Thank you.
If you change the last two lines in your code to:
props = measure.regionprops_table(groups[0], properties = ['label', 'equivalent_diameter', 'axis_major_length', 'axis_minor_length' ])
props['equiv_dia'] = props['equivalent_diameter'] ; props.pop('equivalent_diameter')
props['min_feret'] = props['axis_minor_length' ] ; props.pop('axis_minor_length' )
props['max_feret'] = props['axis_major_length' ] ; props.pop('axis_major_length' )
df1_new = pd.DataFrame(props)
You will get for the following image:
as output:
label equiv_dia min_feret max_feret
0 1 2.580762 0.000000 3.651484
1 2 10.802272 3.651484 26.226566
2 3 3.059832 2.000000 3.651484
3 4 3.578801 3.096570 4.195087
4 5 5.497605 3.651484 8.032033
The changes to your code are solving following issues:
The measure.regionprops_table()
method comes with 'axis_major_length', 'axis_minor_length'
options for the calculated properties which seem to be be equivalent to the min/max Feret values.
If you are not satisfied with the values this properties provide (I'm not) I suggest to decide which other tool you want to use for this calculation to obtain the values satisfying your needs what is maybe worth to ask another question about calculating Feret values.
As I created the tag feret-values
you can use it along with python
in a new question about differences in the values of min/max Feret calculated by different Python scripts/modules.
I have myself checked out 'RegionProperties' object has no attribute 'feret_diameter_max' , but the Feret property in scikit throws an Error.