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Where does the console command save exported file

I'm using Laravel 5.8 and I tried creating a custom command like this:

php artisan make:command app exportappresults

And the Command goes like this:

protected $signature = 'app:exportappresults';

protected $description = 'Export App Exam Result Into Excel';

public function __construct()

public function handle()
    return Excel::download(new TavanmandAppUserExamExport,'userexamlist.xlsx');

So as you can see I have used Laravel Excel and tried exporting data into Excel file.

Note that this code works fine in the Controller and can properly export an Excel file.

But now I don't know where does the exported excel file from the DB goes when I use the Console Command.

So if you know, please let me know...



  • Excel::download is used in HTTP controllers, to pass exported data to HTTP response. If you need to store file on disk, use Excel::store instead:

    public function handle()
        Excel::store(new TavanmandAppUserExamExport, 'userexamlist.xlsx');

    File will be stored in default storage (disk), configured in laravel's config/filesystems.php, by default it's ./storage/app.

    Also you may specify another disk as third argument of Excel::store method, see Storing exports on disk