I have a workflow script that runs on local server and will do Install-ADServiceAccount after reboot. Every function works fine except the Install-ADServiceAccount. The workflow failed when running Install-ADServiceAccount.
Here is my current version of code, which will run Install-ADServiceAccount after reboot local server:
workflow auto_install(){
Param (
Restart-Computer -Wait
Install-ADServiceAccount $gmsa_account
I tried to Import-Module ActiveDirectory in scheduled job, but the job still failed with no reason. Scheduled Job as follow:
$AtStartup = New-JobTrigger -AtStartup -RandomDelay 00:02:00
$options = New-ScheduledJobOption -RunElevated -ContinueIfGoingOnBattery -StartIfOnBattery
$block = {[System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSSessionConfigurationData]::IsServerManager = $true; Import-Module PSWorkflow; Import-Module ActiveDirectory; Resume-Job -State Suspended | Wait-Job}
Register-ScheduledJob -Name ResumeWorkflow -Trigger $AtStartup -ScheduledJobOption $options -ScriptBlock $block
auto_install $gmsa_account -AsJob -JobName auto_reboot
From the JobStateInfo I can't get any fail reason and error, too:
PS C:\Windows\system32> (get-job -Name auto_reboot).JobStateInfo | Format-List -Property *
State : Failed
Reason :
PS C:\Windows\system32> (get-job -Name auto_reboot).JobStateInfo.Reason
Case solved with creating scheduled task in WorkFlow and trigger the task after restart to run Install-ADServiceAccount. As far as I know, the user credential (or AD cred.) in WorkFlow might have changed after restart.