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Test that either one property contains value in AssertJ

Having following code:

public class TolkienCharacter{
    String nick;
    String name;
    String surname;

void go(){
    TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("GoodFrodo", "Frodo", "Baggins");
    TolkienCharacter togo = new TolkienCharacter("Hobbit", "Togo", "Goodbody");
    List<TolkienCharacter> goodCharacters = Arrays.asList(frodo, togo);

I need to write assert, that checks that all elements in the goodCharacters list have nick or surname, which contains "good".

What is the best way to do it?


  • A solution could be:

    assertThat(goodCharacters).extracting(TolkienCharacter::getNick, TolkienCharacter::getSurname)
        .allSatisfy(tuple -> assertThat(tuple.toList()).asInstanceOf(list(String.class))
            .anySatisfy(string -> assertThat(string).containsIgnoringCase("good")));

    In case of failures, the error message would be like the following:

    Expecting all elements of:
      [("GoodFrodo", "Baggins"), ("Hobbit", "Badbody")]
    to satisfy given requirements, but these elements did not:
    ("Hobbit", "Badbody")
    Expecting any element of:
      ["Hobbit", "Badbody"]
    to satisfy the given assertions requirements but none did:
    Expecting actual:
    to contain:
     (ignoring case)
    Expecting actual:
    to contain:
     (ignoring case)