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how to find a generic UI class in a list of different class without specifying the type?

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I made a generic UI class called DraggableLayout. It's a treelike Layout that nest within other DraggableLayout

The thing is, I need the children to be able to search for the DraggableLayout when I am looping through the list of Controls in parents.

        foreach (var tab in Parents)
            if (tab is DraggableLayout) //Error CS0305
               //Do Something

When I do the above, I need to specifiy the type. Is it possible to ignore the and search for a parent generic class ?


  • What you can do is:

    var tabType = tab.GetType();
    if (tabType.IsGenericType
        && typeof(DraggableLayout<>)
    { ... }

    Or with an extension method:

    public static bool IsOfGenericType(this Type source, Type genericType)
        return source.IsGenericType
            && genericType.IsAssignableFrom(source.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
    // ...
    if (typeof(tab).IsOfGenericType(typeof(DraggableLayout<>)))
    { ... }