I wanted to know how to read multiple lines in a function and then run it. For example I am reading this path what should I put in the end of my second line so that it reads ',sheet_name='Live Promos' and run properly.
KT\\Pro\\92-2l D_TS.xlsx"""
,sheet_name='Live Promos')
#FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
When I keep it in single line like this it reads it fine.
Live_Promo=pd.read_excel("C:\\Users\\BF64899\\_Inc\\Documents\\KT\\Pro\\92-2l D_TS.xlsx",sheet_name='Live Promos')
#reads file fine
What is the solution?
From the documentation of str
(emphasis mine):
Triple quoted strings may span multiple lines - all associated whitespace will be included in the string literal.
In [5]: print("""C:\\Users\\BF68499\\_Inc\\Documents\\\
...: KT\\Pro\\92-2l D_TS.xlsx""")
C:\Users\BF68499\_Inc\Documents\ KT\Pro\92-2l D_TS.xlsx
This is probably not what you intended...
You can use a backslack between strings on multiple lines. That will lead to the strings being combined:
In [3]: print("foo"\
...: "bar")
Alternatively, you can put multiple strings in an expression with only whitespace between them:
In [4]: print(("spam " "eggs"))
spam eggs
You can also use a string join
long_list = [
really_long_string = ''.join(long_list)