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How to test Push Notification is working in my application

In my application I am implementing the Push Notification Service.
I have a Content Provider server, which contains some products in it.
I have generated the SSL Client Certificate and attached it to my development Provisioning profile. This profile is also added to my application.
I have written the code inside the delegate methods (guided by Apple guideline for implementing the Push Notification). All set.

Now I want to test my application whether it is handing the push notification as per the requirement. Any idea on how can I test it would help me a lot.
Should I have to add new product to the content provider server to test this?

If yes, how much will APNS take to send the push notification to my device?


  • Very cool guide is posted here: Programming Apple Push Notification Services

    And an application named PushMeBaby Mac Os App which you can download and use for sending push-notifications to your devices from a Mac.

    APNS will send the push notification to your device as soon as your device will become available. If I've not mistaken your device pings APNS every minute.