I am using this official neo4j template to understand how to write customized procedures https://github.com/neo4j-examples/neo4j-procedure-template
I have loaded the compiled JAR file into the plugins directory on a neo4j container (community verison 4.4.4)
The customized function and aggregated function both works as expected. But when I call the customized procedure
MATCH (n:Person)
CALL example.getRelationshipTypes(n);
I got an error
Procedure call inside a query does not support naming results implicitly (name explicitly using `YIELD` instead) (line 2, column 1 (offset: 17))
"CALL example.getRelationshipTypes(n);"
so I added yield, then i call
MATCH (n:Person)
CALL example.getRelationshipTypes(n)
yield result
return result
then i got another error
Unknown procedure output: `result` (line 3, column 7 (offset: 60))
"yield result"
How can I call the customized procedure?
If you look at the code of that procedure, you will see that the procedure returns a stream of two variables, outgoing and incoming.
MATCH (n:Person)
CALL example.getRelationshipTypes(n) YIELD outgoing, incoming
RETURN n.name as name, outgoing, incoming
│"name" │"outgoing"│"incoming"│
│"Alice" │["KNOWS"] │[] │
│"Charlie"│["KNOWS"] │["KNOWS"] │
│"Bob" │["KNOWS"] │["KNOWS"] │