how do I do this with sliced notation?
ex. "Hello" to "HHeelloo"
The term slicing in programming usually refers to obtaining a substring, sub-tuple, or sublist from a string, tuple, or list respectively. You cannot slice a string to double every character. Though you can use sliced notation- method 6. Here are some methods to get the desirable output.
Method 1:
input = Hello
for i in input:
output = output + i*2
Method 2:
"".join(2 * i for i in "Hello")
Method 3:
from itertools import chain,izip
Method 4:
s.translate({ord(x):2*x for x in set(s)})
Method 5:
s = "Hello"
import re
re.sub('(.)', r'\1' * 2, s)
Method 6 (using sliced notation):
s = "Hello"
s1 = 2 * s
s2 = ""
for i in range(len(s)):
s2 += s1[i::len(s)]
All would result in: