Below is my actual code
results = session.execute(query)
for row in results:
return final
I am able to mock session.execute to return me list of tuples. But after that in the code when _asdict() is called i get an execption saying tuple as no attribute _asdict(). Below is the code i have used for pytest mocking. I want to know how to mock _asdict() here.
mock_session.execute.return_value = [tup1,
I finally found a way to mock it usinng MagicMock()
I am mocking the return type for session.execute()
i.e; CursorResult() object like shown below.
CursorResult = MagicMock()
mock_session.execute.return_value = [CursorResult(tup1),
CursorResult.return_value._asdict.side_effect = [tup1, tup2]