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Creating a Complete WEB MSN Application Like EBuddy. First Steps [?]

I want to create an application like that in my website, I want to be able to login (without that Microsoft Permission like in Ebuddy), chat with people, see groups, block contacts and everything that EBuddy is able to do.

I don't think that the Live Developer thing on the Microsoft let us do that. (Does it ?)

So What should I have to do. if it was an online thing it would be easier but since a windows application, it gets really hard.

Where do I start? I want to write it in PHP. Thanks!


  • No there is one good example from Microsoft with PHP and Javascript.But I don't know good doc.You can download it from I give you to Chat Im sample here .You can look the details from here.I think you can do it that way.Also look at JwChat.