I am trying to set up Permissions on groups in Azure DevOps from Azure CLI. I want to eventually automate all the permissions but in this particular instance I want to set for Readers group
To update the permissions I require the NameSpace ID(Which is ACL) for PROJECT NameSpace, group descriptor(on which the permissions will be set), bit(which is a ACE, granular permission of the namespace) value to change and the token. The commands I am using are
$OrgName = ""
$ProName = ""
Write-Host "Project Name is " $ProName -ForegroundColor Green
# Get the namespaceID
$namespaceId = az devops security permission namespace list --org "https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/" --query "[?@.name == 'Project'].namespaceId | [0]"
Write-Host "Name Space Id is " $namespaceId
# get the group descriptor ID for the group "Account Management"
$GroupName = ""
$GroupName = "Readers"
Write-Host "Group ID is " "$GroupName"
$Subject = az devops security group list --org https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/ --project $ProName --output json --query "graphGroups[?displayName == '$GroupName'].descriptor | [0]" -o tsv
Write-Host "Subject is " $Subject
# Find Bit
$bit = ""
$bit = az devops security permission namespace show --namespace-id $namespaceId --org "https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/" --query "[0].actions[?@.name == 'GENERIC_WRITE'].bit |[0]"
Write-Host "Bit is " $bit
# Get Project ID
$ProjID = ""
$ProjID = az devops project list --org https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/ --query "value[?name == '$ProName'].id |[0]" -o tsv
Write-Host "Prject ID is " $ProjID
# Set Permission
az devops security permission update --id $namespaceId --subject $subject --token "$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/$ProjID" --allow-bit $bit --merge true --org "https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/" -o table
#az devops security permission show --id $namespaceId --subject $subject --token "$/Shared/$ProjID" --org "https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/" -o table
#Show the list of ACE's and their BIT numbers
az devops security permission namespace show --namespace-id $namespaceId --org "https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/"
I followed this post Assigning group permissions using to Azure DevOps CLI
And had a success around 80%. The place I am getting stuck is at the tokens. when using the command below
az devops security permission update --id $namespaceId --subject $subject --token "$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/$ProjID" --allow-bit $bit --merge true --org "https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/" -o table
Now, in the code above if I use any random numbers(for ex ) 78558778, the command will run and show the permissions are added to that token but that token does not even exist.
az devops security permission list --id $namespaceId --subject $subject --org "https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/" -o table
Token Effective Allow Effective Deny
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------
$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/e648b2f1-b6c8-4c73-8024-xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 0
$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/ede8562f-3c53-4af7-8b2f-xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 0
$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/f11081f7-a109-4969-8ac2-xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 0
$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/f31ed069-717a-4dae-88c5-xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 0
$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/fb881522-23c6-41be-847c-xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 0
///Classification/TeamProject/78558778 0 0
///Classification/TeamProject/910e9e11-81ea-471b-8ed3-xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 0
///Classification/TeamProject/*******shop 0 0
///Classification/TeamProject/e38e6183-e385-4605-96be-xxxxxxxxxxxx 2 0
Based on this Microsoft Document, I have to append project ID to the root toke and when I do that it creates new tokens and hence it does not change the permission in on the ADO portal permission page.
Your token $PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/$ProjID
is right, but the trick is that there is a $
in it. So if you want to run the command in PowerShell, you need to use
to replace $
. Otherwise, PowerShell will treat $PROJECT
as a variable.
The following is the update command that will work:
az devops security permission update --id $namespaceId --subject $subject --token "`$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/$ProjID" --allow-bit $bit --merge true --org "https://dev.azure.com/$OrgName/" -o table