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Unable to update @graphql-mesh

I have update the @graphql-mesh with to latest version and below are the packages

 "@graphql-mesh/config": "^6.1.0",
 "@graphql-mesh/graphql": "^0.29.12",
 "@graphql-mesh/openapi": "^0.31.2",
 "@graphql-mesh/runtime": "0.42.2",
 "@graphql-mesh/soap": "0.12.12"

After upgrade I got error for below function

import { findAndParseConfig } from '@graphql-mesh/cli';

findAndParseConfig is not available in latest version. Can anyone suggest from which module I can call this function or is there any alternative to do so?

Added same on github as well:


  • It seems @graphql-mesh/cli is not on your dependencies list.

    Try adding it (yarn add @graphql-mesh/cli). If error still occurs - could you provide some more info, starting with the error message?