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C++ how to static link to openssl using bazel

Currently I link to openssl as shared_library with my C++ program, like this in bazel BUILD file:

linkopts = [

but the openssl version of deploy machine is not the same with my compile machine, so I want to link staticlly to openssl library, but I dont know how...


  • By far the best way to do this is to make use of bazelbuild/rules_foreign_cc. There is even an example of how to do this here. Now the easiest way to do this is to copy the example directory from the rules_foreign_cc repository. e.g.

    git clone
    cp -r rules_foreign_cc/examples/third_party/openssl ~/my_workspace/

    Then you can load the dependencies like so;

    load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
        name = "rules_foreign_cc",
        sha256 = "2a4d07cd64b0719b39a7c12218a3e507672b82a97b98c6a89d38565894cf7c51",
        strip_prefix = "rules_foreign_cc-0.9.0",
        url = "",
    load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:repositories.bzl", "rules_foreign_cc_dependencies")
    # This sets up some common toolchains for building targets. For more details, please see
    # file: //:WORKSPACE
    load("//openssl:openssl_repositories.bzl", "openssl_repositories")
    load("//openssl:openssl_setup.bzl", "openssl_setup")

    You can of course modify the copied files to meet your specific needs and configuration if you so choose.

    To depend on openssl you simply add it as a dependency like any other Bazel dep e.g.

       name = "depends_on_openssl",
       srcs = ["depends_on_openssl.c"],
       deps = ["@openssl//:openssl"],