I'm creating a component that takes in an array of data (using typed props based on an interface) and then pass in a second prop that dynamically selects the the property I'd like to reference in the data object.
I'm using Vue 3 script setup syntax with Typescript and defineProps.
<script setup lang="ts">
interface DataRow {
'id': number
'height': number
'strideLength': number
'distanceTravelled': number
'timestamp': Date
const props = defineProps<{
data: DataRow[]
xAxis: string
yAxis: string
X Axis: {{ props.data[xAxis] }}
Y Axis: {{ props.data[YAxis] }}
{{ data }}
I'm trying to pass in one of the interface properties so that I can dynamically select what I'm displaying on the x/y axis of a plot. Currently, I'm using a string but I'm getting linter errors given that it's untyped.
const props = defineProps<{
data: DataRow[]
xAxis: string <- this should only be properties of my DataRow interface
yAxis: string <- this should only be properties of my DataRow interface
:data="[{id: 1, height: 2, strideLength: 0.5, distanceTravelled: 5, timestamp: new Date()}]"
:yAxis="height" />
Is there a better way of doing this?
Try to use the keyof
Type Operator :
<script setup lang="ts">
interface DataRow {
'id': number
'height': number
'strideLength': number
'distanceTravelled': number
'timestamp': Date
const props = defineProps<{
data: DataRow[]
xAxis: keyof DataRow
yAxis: keyof DataRow
X Axis: {{ props.data[xAxis] }}
Y Axis: {{ props.data[YAxis] }}
{{ data }}