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Why JavaScript file wont load?

In my project i use #Flask #Python #SQLite #Jinja3.1 #Chrome Versions

I use Codespaces from CS50, I used JavaScript before in other projects but not with Jinja and was ok.

Here is an image to see status codes when I am in app. Status Codes

Possible problem here? browser

My app config:

app.config["TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD"] = True

app.config["SESSION_PERMANENT"] = False
app.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem"


  • I think your problem is in the structure of the project, all the javascript and css files have to be stored in a static folder, and html in a templates folder.

    as i can see here in the logs, it's showing that you storing the js files in a js folder but you have to replace that js folder to the static folder so it'll look like this: project/static/js/app.js

    here's a ref:,only%20one%20asset%20file%2C%20main.