I am using angular 14 with typed FormGroup. I need to format the input textbox to be currency. Can't figure out how to format the "paymentAmount" field as currency:
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmitForm()" [formGroup]="paymentFormGroup">
<div class="table-row">
<div class="table-cell-label">
<label for="paymentAmount">Payment Amt:</label
><label class="required">*</label>
<div class="table-cell-input">
isSubmitted &&
formControls['paymentAmount'].errors &&
? 'input-required'
: ''
And in the ts file:
export interface CustomerPaymentInfo {
name: string | undefined;
email?: string | null;
accountNumber: number | undefined;
paymentAmount: number | undefined;
accountBalance: number | undefined;
newAccountBalance: number | undefined;
const info: CustomerPaymentInfo = {
name: this.paymentFormGroup.value.name,
email: this.paymentFormGroup.value.email,
accountNumber: this.paymentFormGroup.value.accountNumber,
paymentAmount: payment,
accountBalance: this.getAccountBalance(payment, balance),
newAccountBalance: this.getNewBalance(payment, balance),
If you do not want to use external packages, you can listen to formcontrol valueChanges and use currency pipe to modify the value like this
constructor(private currencyPipe: CurrencyPipe) { }
ngOnInit() {
const paymentAmountControl = this.paymentFormGroup.get('paymentAmount')
paymentAmountControl.valueChanges.subscribe((val: string) => {
val = val.replace(/[a-zA-Z$,]/g, '')
paymentAmountControl.setValue(this.currencyPipe.transform(val, 'USD', 'symbol', '1.0-0'), { emitEvent: false })
the regular expression strips alphabets and currency symbols, you will have to modify the regex and the transform argument to support the currency used in your application.