I have been trying to solve the following for quite a moment now.
Require Import
Lemma f_equiv' `{Equiv A} `{f : A -> A} :
f = f -> forall x y, x = y -> f x = f y.
Goal forall `{HVS : VectorSpace K V}, forall α : K, α · mon_unit = mon_unit.
setoid_rewrite <- right_identity at 1.
setoid_rewrite <- right_inverse with (x := α · mon_unit) at 2 3.
setoid_rewrite associativity.
apply @f_equiv' with (f := fun v => v & - (α · mon_unit)).
{ cbv; intros ?? Hxy; now rewrite Hxy. }
setoid_rewrite <- distribute_l.
setoid_rewrite left_identity. (* Error: setoid rewrite failed *)
As written in the last line, the setoid_rewrite
fails with this error message :
Error: setoid rewrite failed: Unable to satisfy the following constraints:
?X6739==[K V Ke Kplus Kmult Kzero Kone Knegate Krecip Ve Vop Vunit Vnegate
sm HVS α |- relation V] (internal placeholder) {?r}
?X6740==[K V Ke Kplus Kmult Kzero Kone Knegate Krecip Ve Vop Vunit Vnegate
sm HVS α (do_subrelation:=do_subrelation)
|- Proper (equiv ==> ?r) (scalar_mult α)] (internal placeholder) {?p}
?X6840==[K V Ke Kplus Kmult Kzero Kone Knegate Krecip Ve Vop Vunit Vnegate
sm HVS α |- relation V] (internal placeholder) {?r0}
?X6841==[K V Ke Kplus Kmult Kzero Kone Knegate Krecip Ve Vop Vunit Vnegate
sm HVS α (do_subrelation:=do_subrelation)
|- Proper (?r ==> ?r0 ==> flip impl) equiv] (internal placeholder) {?p0}
?X6842==[K V Ke Kplus Kmult Kzero Kone Knegate Krecip Ve Vop Vunit Vnegate
sm HVS α |- ProperProxy ?r0 (α · mon_unit)] (internal placeholder) {?p1}
TYPECLASSES:?X6739 ?X6740 ?X6840 ?X6841 ?X6842
FUTURE GOALS STACK:?X6842 ?X6841 ?X6840 ?X6740 ?X6739 ?X6611 ?X6610 ?X6609
?X6608 ?X6607 ?X6606 ?X6605||?X64 ?X62 ?X60 ?X58 ?X57 ?X56 ?X55 ?X54 ?X53
?X52 ?X51 ?X50 ?X49 ?X48 ?X47 ?X46 ?X45 ?X44 ?X43 ?X42
I have tried changing notations, using cbv, as suggested in this question.
How can I use the left_identity
lemma without the error appearing ?
I'm not an expert in the details of how the unification with the implicit variables works, so I can't explain why the rewrite fails, but I've encountered it enough to at least give a "hack" solution.
Before the final "rewrite left_identity", do a
pose proof scalar_mult_proper.
As the context now contains a proof saying that it is ok to rewrite "under" scalar multiplication that the rewrite tactic is able to use, you can now finish the proof as expected with
rewrite left_identity.
(Btw, you don't need the f_equiv' lemma, for this proof, simple rewriting is enough.)
To me the problem you encountered is a problem that I run into now and then. To me it is a usability-bug, or perhaps a bug in my expectation of how the instance resolution works, and I would also love a mechanistic explanation of this behaviour.
Some background for those who didn't paste the code into a Coq session to see what happens:
The goal just before the rewrite that fails is
α · (mon_unit & mon_unit) = α · mon_unit
Here "=" is notation for equiv
which is Ve
in this context (which is the equality relation for vectors), and ·
is notation for scalar_mult
, and &
is notation for the semigroup operation, i.e. vector addition in this case. And we want to rewrite one of the arguments of scalar_mult
inside the equiv
relation. Therefore we need instances of type Proper that enables this. These instances already exist. In particular we have
: Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) sm
which I found with Search Proper scalar_mult.
To use this instance we need a lot of implicit variables to be filled in. Here is the full list:
Print scalar_mult_proper.
scalar_mult_proper =
λ (R M : Type) (Re : Equiv R) (Rplus : Plus R) (Rmult : Mult R)
(Rzero : Zero R) (Rone : One R) (Rnegate : Negate R)
(Me : Equiv M) (Mop : SgOp M) (Munit : MonUnit M)
(Mnegate : Negate M) (sm : ScalarMult R M) (Module0 : Module R M),
let (_, _, _, _, _, _, scalar_mult_proper) := Module0 in scalar_mult_proper
: ∀ (R M : Type) (Re : Equiv R) (Rplus : Plus R)
(Rmult : Mult R) (Rzero : Zero R) (Rone : One R)
(Rnegate : Negate R) (Me : Equiv M) (Mop : SgOp M)
(Munit : MonUnit M) (Mnegate : Negate M)
(sm : ScalarMult R M),
Module R M → Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) sm
Almost all of those values should be filled in automatically, but for some reason the setoid_rewrite fails to do that by itself.
However, when I just add a copy of this rule to the context with pose
, then the implicit variables are filled in, and the setoid_rewrite can use the rule without getting confused about what values should be used for R M Rplus Rnegate Me Module
and all the other the arguments to scalar_mult_proper