I have an user account on a shared Debian system that has RubyGems 1.1.1 installed and I can't make them upgrade it, at least at the moment.
I'm trying to install a new RubyGems installation locally on my home directory, following the instructions from RubyGems user guide chapter 3.2 Installing RubyGems in a User Directory.
So far, I got now latest RubyGems (1.8.10) installed at $HOME/rubygems and I have fixed the following environment variables:
Path should be working OK, since which gem results as $HOME/rubygems/bin/gem.
Still, when I run gem -v I get 1.1.1.
This probably has something to do with ruby require ending up to the system-wide files of RubyGems, since the $HOME/rubygems/bin/gem starts with
require 'rubygems'
require 'rubygems/gem_runner'
require 'rubygems/exceptions'
What should I do to get my local-installed-version 1.8.10 running?
br, Touko
I don't know if this is exactly what you want. But the easiest way would probably be to use rvm. https://rvm.beginrescueend.com/rvm/install/
With rvm you could have your own self contained ruby environment in your home directory with exactly the tools that you need.