I know SharpDX is no longer maintained, but i already bought a book so i wanted to make use of it.
I want to make a game engine using SharpDX everything is working perfectly!
Except that one thing i tried to get working over 3 weeks.
There is a weird thing going on with the camera rotation.
why am i able to rotate the camera on the Z axis?
and how do i fix it?
var Window = new System.Windows.Form();
var viewMatrix = Matrix.LookAtRH(new Vector3(), cameraTarget, cameraUp);
var lastX = 0;
var lastY = 0;
Window.MouseDown += (s, e) =>
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
lastX = e.X;
lastY = e.Y;
Window.MouseMove += (s, e) =>
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
var yRotate = lastX - e.X;
var xRotate = lastY - e.Y;
lastY = e.Y;
lastX = e.X;
viewMatrix *= Matrix.RotationX(-xRotate * moveFactor);
viewMatrix *= Matrix.RotationY(-yRotate * moveFactor);
Project: https://workupload.com/file/NANE9PbDJ24
Help would be greatly appreciated!
We don't update the view matrix like that for several reasons.
You should keep a rotationX, and rotationY and recalculate your view matrix at each modification.
Something like this:
float rotationX = 0;
float rotationY = 0;
float dist = 1;
Window.MouseMove += (s, e) = >
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
var yRotate = lastX - e.X;
var xRotate = lastY - e.Y;
rotationX += xRotate * moveFactor;
rotationY += yRotate * moveFactor;
lastY = e.Y;
lastX = e.X;
float h = cos(rotationX) * dist;
Vector3 cameraTarget = Vector3(cos(rotationY) * h, sin(rotationX) * dist, sin(rotationY) * h);
viewMatrix = Matrix.LookAtRH(new Vector3(), cameraTarget, cameraUp);
edit: Added moveFactor