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Unknown matfile type in scipy loadmat running inside Github action

I'm using scipy.loadmat to load a Matlab .mat file inside my Python unit tests. This arrangement works just fine on my desktop, and inside a Docker container running on my servers. However, I'm getting an error when I try to run the unit tests inside a Github action (my CI flow):

    model_dict_tmp = loadmat(model_path)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/scipy/io/matlab/", line 223, in loadmat
    MR, _ = mat_reader_factory(f, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/scipy/io/matlab/", line 72, in mat_reader_factory
    mjv, mnv = get_matfile_version(byte_stream)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/scipy/io/matlab/", line 231, in get_matfile_version
    raise ValueError('Unknown mat file type, version %s, %s' % ret)
ValueError: Unknown mat file type, version 50, 52

The .mat file is stored inside a Github submodule (as an LFS object) and should be cloned along with the code. So I'm expecting a well-known location for the file:

   tests/  # unit test that attempts to load the matrix 

I cannot reproduce this error when spinning the same Docker image manually and running the CI as:

python -m unittest discover -s tests/

Which is the same instruction I use inside my action script.

  1. Why is this happening? This error is very recent and this arrangement used to work previously.
  2. How can I debug this?


  • This ended up being due to a git lfs problem. The scipy.loadmat error was just the manifestation.

    See: Github Action: How to pull LFS files in submodule

    For the solution.