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type(x) is list vs type(x) == list

In Python, suppose one wants to test whether the variable x is a reference to a list object. Is there a difference between if type(x) is list: and if type(x) == list:? This is how I understand it. (Please correct me if I am wrong)

  1. type(x) is list tests whether the expressions type(x) and list evaluate to the same object and type(x) == list tests whether the two objects have equivalent (in some sense) values.
  2. type(x) == list should evaluate to True as long as x is a list. But can type(x) evaluate to a different object from what list refers to?

What exactly does the expression list evaluate to? (I am new to Python, coming from C++, and still can't quite wrap my head around the notion that types are also objects.) Does list point to somewhere in memory? What data live there?


  • The "one obvious way" to do it, that will preserve the spirit of "duck typing" is isinstance(x, list). Rather, in most cases, one's code won't be specific to a list, but could work with any sequence (or maybe it needs a mutable sequence). So the recomendation is actually:

    from import MutableSequence
    if isinstance(x, MutableSequence):

    Now, going into your specific questions:

    What exactly does the expression list evaluate to? Does list point to somewhere in memory? What data live there?

    list in Python points to a class. A class that can be inherited, extended, etc...and thanks to a design choice of Python, the syntax for creating an instance of a class is indistinguishable from calling a function. So, when teaching Python to novices, one could just casually mention that list is a "function" (I prefer not, since it is straightout false - the generic term for both functions and classes in regards to that they can be "called" and will return a result is callable)

    Being a class, list does live in a specific place in memory - the "where" does not make any difference when coding in Python - but yes, there is one single place in memory where a class, which in Python is also an object, an instance of type, exists as a data structure with pointers to the various methods that one can use in a Python list.

    As for:

    type(x) is list tests whether the expressions type(x) and list evaluate to the same object and type(x) == list tests whether the two objects have equivalent (in some sense) values.

    That is correct: is is a special operator that unlike others cannot be overriden for any class and checks for object itentity - in the cPython implementation, it checks if both operands are at the same memory address (but keep in mind that that address, though visible through the built-in function id, behaves as if it is opaque from Python code). As for the "sense" in which objects are "equal" in Python: one can always override the behavior of the == operator for a given object, by creating the special named method __eq__ in its class. (The same is true for each other operator - the language data model lists all available "magic" methods). For lists, the implemented default comparison automatically compares each element recursively (calling the .__eq__ method for each item pair in both lists, if they have the same size to start with, of course)

    type(x) == list should evaluate to True as long as x is a list. But can type(x) evaluate to a different object from what list refers to?

    Not if "x" is a list proper: type(x) will always evaluate to list. But == would fail if x were an instance of a subclass of list, or another Sequence implementation: that is why it is always better to compare classes using the builtins isinstance and issubclass.