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Tags format when creating new resource with Azure CLI

I'm failing to pass tags collection for new azure resource when using Azure CLI.

I have several tags validation policies, yet I have verified them via Azure Portal and the tags values are valid.

I'm using PowerShell 7.3


$TAGS = "foo=X/12345/01/01 app=myapp1"
az group create `
    --name $RESOURCE_GROUP `
    --location $LOCATION `
    --query "properties.provisioningState" `
    --tags $TAGS

Validation errors

Type: PolicyViolation
Info: {
    "evaluationDetails": {
        "evaluatedExpressions": [
                "result": "True",
                "expressionKind": "Field",
                "expression": "type",
                "path": "type",
                "expressionValue": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups",
                "targetValue": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups",
                "operator": "Equals"
                "result": "True",
                "expressionKind": "Field",
                "expression": "tags[foo]",
                "path": "tags[foo]",
                "expressionValue": "X/12345/01/01 app=myapp1",
                "targetValue": [
                "operator": "NotIn"
    "policyDefinitionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementgroups/Non-Production/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/Enforce_tag_foo_rg",
    "policyDefinitionName": "Enforce_tag_foo_rg",
    "policyDefinitionDisplayName": "Require foo tag name and correct values on resource group",
    "policyDefinitionEffect": "deny",
    "policyAssignmentId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/Non-Production/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/Enforce_tag_foo_rg",
    "policyAssignmentName": "Enforce_tag_foo_rg",
    "policyAssignmentDisplayName": "Enforce Tag - foo on resource groups",
    "policyAssignmentScope": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/Non-Production",
    "policyAssignmentParameters": {
        "tagName": "foo",
        "tagValue": [

Note this line

"expressionValue": "X/12345/01/01 app=myapp1"

This looks like invalid argument format, but az group create -h is clear about it.

    az group create : Create a new resource group.

    --tags                                   : Space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...].
                                               Use "" to clear existing tags.


  • Per comments, PowerShell is invoking this command for you:

    az group create --name name --location location --query properties.provisioningState --tags "foo=X/12345/01/01 app=myapp1"

    with --tags "foo=X/12345/01/01 app=myapp1" at the end.

    The az command is interpretting this as a tag called foo with a value X/12345/01/01 app=myapp1, but that violates your policy so you get an error.

    Note - if your policy wasn't there, az would quite happily create the resource group like this:

    enter image description here

    What you actually want is this:

    enter image description here

    so working backwards your az command needs to be

    az group create --name name --location location --query properties.provisioningState --tags "foo=X/12345/01/01" "" "app=myapp1"

    with --tags "foo=X/12345/01/01" "" "app=myapp1" at the end,

    and to do that you need to use this:

    $tags = @("foo=X/12345/01/01", "", "app=myapp1")