Hello I am trying to deserialize a json file. A sample of it is below from the start to the first element:
"spell": [
"name": "Affect Normal Fires",
"school": "Al",
"verbal": "1",
"somatic": "1",
"material": "0",
"materials": "",
"range": "5 yds./level",
"aoe": "10 foot-radius",
"castingTime": "1",
"duration": "2 rds./level",
"save": "None",
"damage": "",
"description": "...",
"level": "1",
"caster": "Wizard",
"source": "Players Hand Book page 170",
"sphere": [],
"subschools": [ "Elemental Fire", "Alchemy" ]
I created the class structure for it below:
public class Spells
public List<Spell> list_of_spells { get; set;}
public class Spell
public string name { get; set; }
public string school { get; set;}
public string verbal { get; set;}
public string somatic { get; set;}
public string material { get; set;}
public string materials { get; set;}
public string range { get; set;}
public string aoe { get; set;}
public string castingTime { get; set;}
public string duration { get; set;}
public string save { get; set;}
public string damage { get; set;}
public string description { get; set;}
public string level { get; set;}
public string caster { get; set;}
public string source { get; set;}
public List<string> sphere { get; set;}
public List<string> subschools { get; set; }
Now When I try to Deserialize it by doing this
Spells loadedSpells;
loadedSpells = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Spells>(File.ReadAllText(@"C:\spellsv2.json"));
loadedSpells.list_of_spells just equals Null
Is there something I'm missing?
The name of your property in the spells
must be the same name as the root object in the json
file in order to be correctly mapped to it.
try changing :
public class Spells
public List<Spell> list_of_spells { get; set;}
to :
public class Spells
public List<Spell> spell { get; set; }
How to serialize and deserialize (marshal and unmarshal) JSON in .NET