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What is the best way to put red frame above green container flutter

Example Hallo, as example displayed, I would like to put a red frame container above the green container, currently I'm using Stack as following code:

                children: [
                    top: 20,
                    bottom: 20,
                    left: 20,
                    right: 20,
                    child: Container(
                      decoration: BoxDecoration(
                        image: DecorationImage(
                          fit: BoxFit.fill,
                    child: Container(
                      decoration: BoxDecoration(
                        image: DecorationImage(
                          image: AssetImage(
                          fit: BoxFit.fill,

But I am afraid, since the page is responsive, so the size of green container and red frame could become really big, and current solution is not a good one, or I need to detect the screen size and setState the Positioned size? Or Flutter has a better idea that I dont know, thank you in advance for any clue!

======================== Update ========================

sorry I made my question not clear, I dont mean to add just a red frame or border like above red one, actually it will be like following frame/ an Image:

a picture

so actually it will be such png picture above anther png picture, and this part confuses me how to coordinate


  • You could put the Stack in a SizedBox and give the SizedBox the dimensions of your frame. Then the Center widget can be used as child of the Stack to position another picture in the middle.

      height: height of frame,
      width: width of frame,
      child: Stack(
        children: [

            "link to frame image",
              "link to center image",
              width: define with or height to be sure its smaller than the frame image,