I am implementing a Graph via adjacency list, and I am trying to add a node to a Graph class but I keep getting an error
System.NullReferenceException has been thrown
this is the bit of my code:
MyNode class
class node
public List<object>? Neighbors { get; set; }
public int Data { get; set; }
public node() { }
public node(int val)
Data = val;
This is my graph class:
class Graph
// Attributes of the Class
public int NumVertices { get; set; } // Number of vertices
public List<node> vertices { get; set; } // list of nodes in the graph
// Graph constructor
public Graph(int size)
NumVertices = size;
vertices = new List<node>();
//// Allocate node objects at each index of the vertice list
//for (int i = 0; i < NumVertices; i++)
// Instantiate(vertices[i]);
//Adding ege to vertice
public void addEdge(node a, node b)
a.Neighbors.Add(b); //---> it referenced here
Then testing functions: this Instantiates node objects and
public static void TestGraph()
node a = new node(1);
node b = new node(2);
node c = new node(3);
node d = new node(4);
node e = new node(5);
node f = new node(6);
Graph myGraph = new Graph(6) ;
//// Add vertices to the node
myGraph.addEdge(a, b); //---> Error originates here
myGraph.addEdge(a, c);
myGraph.addEdge(a, d);
myGraph.addEdge(b, c);
myGraph.addEdge(c, e);
myGraph.addEdge(d, e);
Console.WriteLine("Cheching if a and b are neighbors " + myGraph.isAdjacent(a, b).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Cheching if a and c are neighbors " + myGraph.isAdjacent(a, c).ToString());
How would I be able to rectify this issues? Thanks
There is no problem with the node object but it's Neighbors field which is supposed to be a List but the constructor doesn't have any initialization for it.
If you change your constructors to initialize Neighbors, the null reference error will go away. Below is an example to how you can initialize the list.
public node(int val)
Data = val;
Neighbors = new List<object>();