I need to make api call when ComponentWillUnmount. Iam using state variable to set api request. when i access the state variable from ComponentWillUnmount. the state value is default one but am expecting recently updated state.
export const sampleComponent: React.FC<IProps> = (props: IProps) => {
const [apiValue, setAipValue] = useState("");
const [updateRec] = useMutation(UPDATE_REC);
return () => {callApi(apiValue)}
}, []);
const callApi = (input) => {
variables : {
data : input
Since your useEffect has empty dependencies ([]
), the apiValue that is binded is only the inital value of apiValue
A solution would be to use a ref to track value
const apiValueRef = useRef();
apiValueRef.current = apiValue;
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);