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How create port forwarding using SSHtunnelForwarder?

I am trying to replicate: ssh -i [KEY] -L [FROM_PORT]:localhost:[TO_PORT] ubuntu@[REMOTE_SERVER_IP] in python and decided to use sshtunnel for it. The command given above works and I can connect to the remote Theia IDE, but I can't figure out how I need to configure SSHtunnelForwarder to achieve the same from within python. I am probably misunderstanding its documentation:

EDIT: This code is faulty. Look for an answer below.

    # I replaced the remote-ip with ``.
    # I replaced my ip with `987.65.43.21`.
    with SSHTunnelForwarder(
        ssh_address_or_host="",  # ip of remote server
        ssh_pkey="PRIVATE_KEY", # I am unsure which one is needed tried both
        ssh_private_key="PRIVATE_KEY", # I am unsure which one is needed tried both
        ssh_username="ubuntu",  # username of remote server
        ssh_bind_address= ("", 9191),  # where to listen locally
        remote_bind_address= ("", 8181)  # where to send info coming to 22
        # ssh-port 22 (default port)
        # localhost:9191 -> -> localhost:8181
        # which is basically 987.65.43.21:9191 -> ->
    ) as server:

But when I try to connect to http://localhost:9191/ I receive unable to connect; so the tunneling is probably broken. I added plenty of comments to the code to make it easier to spot my misunderstanding.


  • When I run your code then I see error

    ValueError: You can't use both 'ssh_private_key' and 'ssh_pkey'. Please only use one of them. 

    You have to use one of them and example in your link show what it should be.




    It needs to generate file rsa_key using program ssh-keygen which should be installed with ssh

    (on Linux I would keep this file in user's folder ~/.ssh)

    Next I see error

    ValueError: Unknown arguments: {'ssh_bind_address': ('', 9191)} 

    it has to be local_bind_address instead of ssh_bind_address.
    Even example in your link uses local_bind_address.

    You can see all arguments in commends in source code
    or using help(SSHTunnelForwarder) in code.

    This code works for me:

    I can use pair username, password

        ssh_username = "pi",
        ssh_password = "raspberry",

    or pair username and standard file id_rsa with my keys

        ssh_username = "pi",


    from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder
    import time
    #import sshtunnel
    #print('author :', sshtunnel.__author__)
    #print('version:', sshtunnel.__version__)
    with SSHTunnelForwarder(
        ssh_address_or_host = "",  # Raspberry Pi in my network
        ssh_username = "pi",
        ssh_password = "raspberry",
        #ssh_username = "pi",
        local_bind_address  = ("", 9191),
        remote_bind_address = ("", 8181)
    ) as server:
        print('Starting ...')
        print('Keep running ...')
        while True:
        #print('Stopping ...')