I am writing a code to insert data to mongodb
every 5 minutes ON
and OFF
The problem here is on keyword interrupt my thread should be stop and exit the code execution
Once first record is inserted to DB my time.sleep(300)
will make the script sleep
and on my terminal the following line appears -> Press enter to kill the running thread :
Incase If I change my mind don't want to run
simply when I press enter from keyboard the threading which is running and under sleep should be stop and exit
My goal is to stop the thread on the basis of input from user
My code :
import datetime
import threading
import pymongo
import time
from pymongo import MongoClient
dbUrl = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:1245/")
dbName = dbUrl["student"]
dbCollectionName = dbName["student_course"]
def doremon():
return "Hi Friends"
def insert_to_mongodb():
global kill_the_running_thread
while (not kill_the_running_thread):
note_start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
msg = doremon()
note_end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
dt = {"message": msg, "start_time": note_start_time, "end_time": note_end_time}
rec_id1 = dbCollectionName.insert_one(dt)
def main():
global kill_the_running_thread
kill_the_running_thread = False
my_thread = threading.Thread(target=insert_to_mongodb)
input("Press enter to kill the running thread : ")
kill_the_running_thread = True
# Calling main
There's a problem when using globals as sentinels in conjunction with sleep. The issue is that the sleep may have only just started (5 minutes in OP's case) and so it could take nearly 5 minutes for the thread to realise that it should terminate.
A preferred (by me) technique is to use a queue. You can specify a timeout on a queue and, of course, it will respond almost immediately to any data passed to it. Here's an example:
from threading import Thread
from queue import Queue, Empty
def process(queue):
while True:
except Empty as e:
print('Doing work')
queue = Queue()
thread = Thread(target=process, args=(queue,))
input('Press enter to terminate the thread: ')
The process() function will block on the queue for up to 5 seconds (in this example). If there's nothing on the queue it will do its work. If there is something (we just pass None as the trigger), it will terminate immediately