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Install nvm / node on AMZ Linux 2 EC2 Instance with userData script

I'm trying to install nvm / node on an AMZ Linux 2 EC2 Instance using the following userData script:

curl | bash
. ~/.nvm/
nvm install 16.17.0
nvm use 16.17.0

However, when I SSH into the Instance, neither nvm nor node are installed. If I run the commands manually while SSH'd into the Instance, they work fine.

Anyone have any thoughts on why the installs don't work in the userData script? Thanks for any thoughts!


  • Although I still haven't figure out why the userData Script above doesn't work (it used to, so I'm not sure what changed), I was able to install Node using the following as userData, so I thought I'd share.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    yum update -y
    curl -sL | bash -
    yum install -y nodejs git

    I'd still be interested to know why the first script no longer works, if anyone has any idea.

