i wanted to install minikube and after the start command a got the following error text :
😄 minikube v1.26.1 on Ubuntu 22.04
❗ minikube skips various validations when --force is supplied; this may lead to unexpected behavior
✨ Using the docker driver based on existing profile
🛑 The "docker" driver should not be used with root privileges. If you wish to continue as root, use --force.
💡 If you are running minikube within a VM, consider using --driver=none:
📘 https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/reference/drivers/none/
💡 Tip: To remove this root owned cluster, run: sudo minikube delete
👍 Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
🚜 Pulling base image ...
✋ Stopping node "minikube" ...
🛑 Powering off "minikube" via SSH ...
🔥 Deleting "minikube" in docker ...
🤦 StartHost failed, but will try again: boot lock: unable to open /tmp/juju-mke11f63b5835bf422927bf558fccac7a21a838f: permission denied
😿 Failed to start docker container. Running "minikube delete" may fix it: boot lock: unable to open /tmp/juju-mke11f63b5835bf422927bf558fccac7a21a838f: permission denied
❌ Exiting due to HOST_JUJU_LOCK_PERMISSION: Failed to start host: boot lock: unable to open /tmp/juju-mke11f63b5835bf422927bf558fccac7a21a838f: permission denied
💡 Suggestion: Run 'sudo sysctl fs.protected_regular=0', or try a driver which does not require root, such as '--driver=docker'
🍿 Related issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/6391
i tried this command and it worked for me :
minikube delete && minikube start