hey Guys i have created a function to generate a signed url.But some how the signature is not working
AZURE_CDN is kept with origin path so it will be url/{container} masked to a single url so http://{CDN}/file.png ==> this i have tested with get urls and is working fine
i have manually generated a signed url from console and used put method and changed the url to CDN which is working fine (used postman)..
The problem is with put method into the CDN that I am generating from Nodejs -->
const credentials = new storage.StorageSharedKeyCredential(AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY);
const blobServiceClient = new storage.BlobServiceClient(AZURE_CDN+"/"+fileName, credentials);
const permissions = new storage.BlobSASPermissions();
permissions.write = true;
const currentDateTime = new Date();
const expiryDateTime = new Date(currentDateTime.setMinutes(currentDateTime.getMinutes()+5));//Expire the SAS token in 5 minutes.
const blobSAS = storage.generateBlobSASQueryParameters({
startsOn: new Date(),
expiresOn: expiryDateTime,
permissions: permissions,
protocol: storage.SASProtocol.Https
return blobServiceClient.url+ "?" + blobSAS;
i am able to do a http options method but put method is throwing error (used postman)
Signature did not match. String to sign used was w
what am i missing here .?
the url which it creates url = CDN url which goes directly into container
I was looking in the wrong block.
I had to generate using a Shared Access Signature https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/sas-service-create?tabs=javascript#create-a-service-sas-for-a-blob-container
which had similar code which i again checked a bit and was able to create signed urls
const blobService = azure.createBlobService(AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY)
const token =blobService.generateSharedAccessSignature(containerName, blobPath, sharedAccessPolicy);
This token can be used after a cdn path with ?
url and it works properly .