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Delete All Values in One to Many Relationship Room Kotlin

I want to delete all values inside one to many relationship

Parent Table :

@Entity(tableName = "Product")  
data class Products (  
  @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = false)  
  @ColumnInfo(name = "id") var id : Int = 0,   
  @ColumnInfo(name = "name")
  var name  : String? = null,   
  @ColumnInfo(name = "category_id")
  var category_id : String? = null,  
  @ColumnInfo(name = "subcategory_id")
  var subcategory_id : String? = null,  
  @ColumnInfo(name = "other_images")
  var other_images: List<String>  = listOf(),  
  @ColumnInfo(name = "price")
  var price : String? = null,  
  @ColumnInfo(name = "variants")
  var variants : List<Variants> = listOf()  

Child Table :

@Entity(tableName = "Variant")  
data class Variants (  
  @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = false)  
  @ColumnInfo(name = "id")
  var id : Int  = 0,  
  @ColumnInfo(name = "product_id")
  var product_id : String?  = null,  
  @ColumnInfo(name = "price")
  var price : String?  = null,   
  @ColumnInfo(name = "discounted_price")
  var discounted_price : String?  = null,   
  @ColumnInfo(name = "image")
  var image : String?  = null,   
  @ColumnInfo(name = "moq")
  var moq : String?  = null,   
  @ColumnInfo(name = "cart_count")
  var cart_count : String?  = null,   
  @ColumnInfo(name = "is_notify_me")
  var is_notify_me : Boolean? = null             

Relationship :

data class ProductWithVariants(  
    @Embedded val product: Products,   
        parentColumn = "id",   
        entityColumn = "id"    
    val variants: MutableList<Variants>   

Simply.. i want to delete all products and variants , Delete Single Product with corresponding variants and Update Single Product

Any changes in relationship ?? and i also need queries in dao !!


  • You should use ForeignKey to specify relation between Entities.

    As the documentation says:

    Foreign keys allow you to specify constraints across Entities such that SQLite will ensure that the relationship is valid when you modify the database.

    To add foreign key, do this:

    1. Parent class
    data class User(
        val userId: Int,
        val name: String
    1. Child class:
        foreignKeys = [
                entity = User::class,
                parentColumns = arrayOf("userId"),
                childColumns = arrayOf("ownerUserId"),
                onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE
    data class Pet(
        val petId: Int,
        val name: String,
        @ColumnInfo(index = true)
        val ownerUserId: Int
    1. Define relation between objects:
    data class UserWithPets (
        val user: User,
            parentColumn = "userId",
            entityColumn = "ownerUserId"
        val pets: List<Pet>
    1. Create a DAO:
    interface UserDao {
        suspend fun saveUser(user: User)
        suspend fun saveUsers(users: List<User>)
        suspend fun savePets(pets: List<Pet>)
        @Query("SELECT * FROM USER")
        suspend fun getUsers(): List<UserWithPets>
        @Query("DELETE FROM USER WHERE userId=:id")
        suspend fun deleteUser(id: Int)
        @Query("DELETE FROM USER")
        suspend fun deleteAllUsers()
        suspend fun updatePet(pet: Pet)

    Some example queries:

    // Add new user
     val user = User(userId = 1, name = "User1")
     var userWithPets = userDao.getUsers()
    // result -> UserWithPets(user=User(userId=1, name=User1), pets=[])
    // Add new pet
     val pet = Pet(petId = 1, ownerUserId = 1, name = "Pet Name")
    // Fetch users again
    //UserWithPets(user=User(userId=1, name=User1), pets=[Pet(petId=1, name=Pet Name, ownerUserId=1)])
    // Update pet
    userDao.updatePet(pet.copy(name = "New Name"))
    // Fetch users again
    //UserWithPets(user=User(userId=1, name=User1), pets=[Pet(petId=1, name=New Name, ownerUserId=1)])

    This way, whenever you delete a User, all its Pets will delete automatically.