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Terraform, create map where list elements are values

I am trying to parse this variable in terraform. The main goal is to create map of "group" = "member" type. Did i set type in variable correct? Required output provided below.

variable "iam" "this"{
  type = map(map(list(string)))
  default = {
    "admins" = {
      "user" = [
      "service_principal" = [
    "dev"   = {
      "user" = [
      "service_principal" = []
    "ops"   = {
      "user" = [
      "service_principal" = [

Required output:

"admins" = ""
"admins" = ""
"admins" = "dpaf2-dev-sa"
"dev"    = ""
"dev"    = ""
"ops"    = ""
"ops"    = "dpaf2-dev-sa"
"ops"    = "dpaf2-iacda-app-id"


  • Start with this and manipulate it to suit your exact needs. There are many ways to structure resources using maps, arrays and nesting.

    locals {
      service_principal = {
        admin = ["dpaf2-dev-sa"]
        dev   = []
        ops = [
      users = {
        admin = [
        dev = [
        ops = [
      result = flatten([for role in keys(local.users) : [for user in local.users[role] :
      { role = role, user = user, principals = local.service_principal[role] }]])
    resource "null_resource" "users" {
      count = length(local.result)
      provisioner "local-exec" {
        command = "echo user: $USER has role: $ROLE and principals: $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL >> ouput.txt"
        environment = {
          USER              = local.result[count.index].user
          ROLE              = local.result[count.index].role
          SERVICE_PRINCIPAL = join(", ", local.result[count.index].principals)

    If you run:

    1. terraform init
    2. terraform plan
    3. terraform apply --auto-approve

    Then check your directory for a file named output.txt which will contain has role:admin and principals: dpaf2-dev-sa has role:dev and principals: has role:ops and principals: dpaf2-dev-sa, dpaf2-iacda-app-id has role:admin and principals: dpaf2-dev-sa

    I know the text file isn't your desired output but the loop is just a demonstration of how you can iterate over the local variable.

    Again, many ways to sort and slice it. I avoided your desired output because maps cannot have duplicate keys so it'll never work.

    If you want to see the result in isolation you can do:

    1. terraform console
    2. local.result

    And it will appear in the terminal. To exit the console type exit.