I have a simple setup to show a loading spinner when the async pipe is null:
<div *ngIf="(searchResults$ | async) as searchResults; else loading">
<ng-template #loading>
However, when the user searches again for a second time, the loading.. doesn't show, I suppose I need this searchResults$ observable to emit null to show the spinner again, or have a separate isLoading variable.
what's the best way of doing that?
if it matters, i've got a debounce and a switchMap (i.e. tricky using finalize etc)
this.searchResults$ = this.filters$
switchMap((f) => {
return httpGet(f)
also, I tried *ngIf="!isLoading && (searchResults$ | async) as searchResults
but found it problematic, e.g. searchResults$ not subscribed to, or angular complaining about changes after change detection
I now use the ngx-http-request-state library which gives loading, error and render states. It also can work on reloads if you use scan() or withLatestFrom(). Also it works from inner observables.
If using graphql, I consider using a combination of options of fetchPolicy, loading, and networkStatus.