I have a problem here, i want to populate my property with the data that i get from the backend, but i dont know why my subscribe function does not populate it, check my code:
Here is my app.component.ts code:
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
schedulings: Scheduling[] = [];
constructor(private schedulingService: SchedulingService) {
ngOnInit(): void {
getSchedulings(): void {
.subscribe((s) => (this.schedulings = s));
And here is my scheduling.service.ts code:
export class SchedulingService {
private readonly apiUrl = "http://localhost:8080/schedulings";
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
getSchedulings(): Observable<Scheduling[]> {
return this.http.get<Scheduling[]>(this.apiUrl);
The way the code is now the console.log function returns a empty list, but when i use a .pipe function with tap(console.log) it print all the schedulings on the console, so the angular gets the data from the backend without errors, but i want to populate the property schedulings with all the data. I know this is a basic and dumb question but i'll be glad if someone can help me.
HTTP requests are asynchronous and take time to complete, if you want code to execute after the request completes, put the code in the subscribe callback.
getSchedulings(): void {
.subscribe((s) => {
this.schedulings = s;
If you prefer a more synchronous style, you can use async
/ await
with firstValueFrom()
async getSchedulings(): void {
this.schedulings = await firstValueFrom(this.schedulingService.getSchedulings());