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What is the equivalent of Kotlin WebSocketSession object in c#?

For a few months now I have been using the ktor framework to create servers that expose rest calls and communication via webSockets. For now I have always used clients using kotlin as a programming language (or Android App, or App Desktop).

Specifically, I had a class that was injected with the HttpClient object (from the documentation = Asynchronous client to perform HTTP requests).

Within this class I have 4 methods:

  1. start the session: instantiate the WebSocketSession object (Represents a web socket session between two peers)
  2. send Frame
  3. receives Frame
  4. close the session

In Ktor my class is something that looks a lot like this:

class WebSocketServiceImpl(
    private val client: HttpClient

private var socket: WebSocketSession? = null

suspend fun initSession(username: String): Resource<Unit>{
   socket = client.webSocketSession {

suspend fun send(myObj: MyObj) {
        try {
            val myObjSerialized = Json.encodeToString(myObj)
            socket?.send(Frame.Text(myObjSerialized ))
        } catch (e: Exception) {

fun observePrintableMessages(): Flow<MyObj> {
        return try {
                ?.filter { it is Frame.Text }
                ?.map {
                    val myObjString = (it as? Frame.Text)?.readText() ?: ""
                    val printableMessageDto = Json.decodeFromString<MyObj>(myObjString)
                } ?: flow { }
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            flow { }

suspend fun closeSession() {


From the C # documentation instead, I found these examples on how to use Client-side WebSockets:

const exampleSocket = new WebSocket("wss://", "protocolOne");

exampleSocket.send("Here's some text that the server is urgently awaiting!");

exampleSocket.onmessage = (event) => {


Admitted and not granted that the methods I found in C # really work, to make the WebSocket object used in C # be equivalent to the WebSocketSession object in Kotlin is enough for me to do so? :

public void initSession(string username)
   exampleSocket = new WebSocket($"wss://{username}", "");

Or is it some other type of object to use?

If for any reason you don't know the answer, you don't need to vote negative, you can just move on.


  • I used the Websocket.Client library (by Mariusz Kotas) found on NuGet

    public class WebSocketService : IWebSocketService
        public event EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived;
        private void FireMessageReceivedEvent(Message message) => MessageReceived?.Invoke(this, new MessageReceivedEventArgs(message));
        public string Url { get => "ws://"; }
        private WebsocketClient webSocketClient;
        public async Task<SessionResoult> InitSession(string username)
            string usernameSession = $"?username={username}";
            string urlWithUsername = $"{Url}{usernameSession}";
                webSocketClient = new WebsocketClient(new Uri(urlWithUsername));
                await webSocketClient.Start();
                if (webSocketClient.IsRunning)
                    return new SessionResoult.Success();
                    return new SessionResoult.Error("webSocketClient is not running");
            catch(Exception ex)
                return new SessionResoult.Error(ex.Message);
        private void SubscribeNewMessages()
            webSocketClient.MessageReceived.Subscribe(m =>
                MessageDto message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MessageDto>(m.Text);
        public async Task SendMessageAsync(string message)
            await Task.Run(() => webSocketClient.Send(message));
        public void CloseSession()

    In the code, the interesting parts are:

    1) initialization of the WebsocketClient object

    2) the subscription of receiving messages ( Start() method immediately after initialization)

    3) observation of message subscription -> webSocketClient.MessageReceived.Subscribe

    4) the 'Fire' of the event linked to the observation of messages -> FireMessageReceivedEvent

    5) those who use the class must subscribe to the event of the latter ->

    webSocketService.MessageReceived + = (sender, e) => {OnMessageReceived (e.MessageReceived); };

    MessageReceivedEventArgs -> Class describing the Arguments of the event

    SessionResoult -> Class similar to an Enum but with the possibility of passing a string or not based on which subclass it is