I have a problem with WKURLSchemeHandler
and Task cancellation and provided an example implementation below.
The problem is, that sometimes right after webView(_:stop:)
is called (and "Stopping task ..." is printed) either try Task.checkCancellation()
does not throw, or has already been called (I am not sure), so one of the urlSchemeTask.didReceive
or didFinish
can crash the app with an Exeption like this:
Stopping task <WKURLSchemeTaskImpl: 0x7fd445c209c0>
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'This task has already been stopped'
Example implementation with comments:
import WebKit
class AsyncURLSchemeHandler: NSObject, WKURLSchemeHandler {
private var pendingTasks = [ObjectIdentifier: TaskItem]()
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, stop urlSchemeTask: WKURLSchemeTask) {
guard let task = pendingTasks.removeValue(forKey: urlSchemeTask.id) else { return }
print("Stopping task \(urlSchemeTask)")
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, start urlSchemeTask: WKURLSchemeTask) {
let task = Task { [weak self] in
var request = urlSchemeTask.request
// Do some mutation on the request
do {
try Task.checkCancellation()
// Conditionally get a URLSession
let session: URLSession
// Fire off the request
let (data, response) = try await session.data(for: request)
await Task.yield()
try Task.checkCancellation()
// Report back to the scheme task
// Either of these !! may crash in this implementation
urlSchemeTask.didReceive(response) // !!
urlSchemeTask.didReceive(data) // !!
urlSchemeTask.didFinish() // !!
} catch is CancellationError {
// Do not call didFailWithError, didFinish, or didReceive in this case
print("Task for WKURLSchemeTask \(urlSchemeTask) has been cancelled")
} catch {
if !Task.isCancelled {
// !! This can crash, too
self?.pendingTasks.removeValue(forKey: urlSchemeTask.id)
pendingTasks[urlSchemeTask.id] = .init(urlSchemeTask: urlSchemeTask, task: task)
private extension WKURLSchemeTask {
var id: ObjectIdentifier {
private struct TaskItem {
enum Error: Swift.Error {
case manualCancellation
let urlSchemeTask: WKURLSchemeTask
let task: Task<Void, Never>
/// Should be called when urlSchemeTask has been stopped by the system
/// Calling anything on the urlSchemeTask afterwards would result in an exception
func stop() {
/// Should be called when the urlSchemeTask should be stopped manually
func cancel() {
Can anyone help me to avoid these crashes?
This is a crosspost of: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/712430
To fix this i do the following:
in that actor and checked contains
instead of using task cancellation.Most importantly: