myCrashingFunc() {
var a = [];
try {
} catch (e) {
Actually, when I debug, I let everything crash so my StackTrace get me to the crashing line.
When I send my app in prod, I use try catch so new errors have default behavior handle.
Problem: with try catch, my Stacktrace stop in the catch, I would like to see the StackTrace give me insigh of the try. (ex: here my StackTrace will only go to the line print(StackTrace.current.toString());
Question: How can I get StackTrace of the function in the try. (ex: hre I would like to see my StackTrace go to line print(a[0]);
You can access the stacktrace if you pass it as the second argument to catch as follows:
myCrashingFunc() {
var a = [];
try {
} on Exception catch (e, s) {