I have a question and different ideas on how to approach it, but I'd like to know what more experienced programmers would do.
Background: I have a nested list, with sub lists, that always have two items, that looks like this: [[category, item];[category, item];...]. categories and items are strings. There are items that end with a number or float and there are others, that end with just characters or spaces. Some (but not all) items are duplicates.
Problem: Just focused on the items, categories do not need to be altered. Do not suggest to use dict or something else, it needs to be a nested list like above.
[["fruits", "Apple 1"];["fruits", "Apple 2"];["fruits", "Apple 5"];["cooled", "iced tea 1,5"]; ["cooled", "iced tea 2"]; ["fruits"; "onions"]; ["fruits"; "onions"];["fruits"; "onions"];["frozen"; "Pizza"]
[["fruits", "Apple 8"];["cooled", "iced tea 3,5"];["fruits"; "onions"];["frozen"; "Pizza"]
Any ideas?
this worked for me
from collections import Counter
vals = [["fruits", "Apple 1"],["fruits", "Apple 2"],["fruits", "Apple 5"],["cooled", "iced tea 1,5"], ["cooled", "iced tea 2"], ["fruits", "onions"], ["fruits", "onions"],["fruits", "onions"],["frozen", "Pizza"]]
counters = {}
others = {}
for sub_list in vals:
items = sub_list[1].rsplit(' ', 1)
num = float(items[-1].replace(',', '.'))
if sub_list[0] not in counters.keys():
counter = Counter({items[0]: num})
counters[sub_list[0]] = counter
counters[sub_list[0]].update({items[0]: num})
others[sub_list[0]] = sub_list[1]
my_result = []
for key, counter in counters.items():
items = [[key, f"{sub_key} {value}"] for sub_key, value in counter.items()]
my_result = my_result + items
my_result = my_result + [[key, value] for key, value in others.items()]
[['fruits', 'Apple 8.0'], ['cooled', 'iced tea 3.5'], ['fruits', 'onions'], ['frozen', 'Pizza']]