How can I print data in this pattern in Pl/SQL
Here this 1, ABC, 20-June-1990 likewise other 2, DEF, 03-Aug-1999 stored in table. I have to fetch this data and print in the above format in a ROW only.
I am done with data fetch but not getting any clue for this pattern printing.
PL/SQL reads "Oracle". If so, then concatenate separate column values and use listagg
to aggregate them all into the final result.
Maybe you don't need PL/SQL as SQL is capable of doing it in at least two ways.
Sample data:
SQL> select empno, ename, to_char(hiredate, 'dd-Mon-yyyy') hiredate
2 from emp
3 where deptno = 10;
---------- ---------- -----------
7782 CLARK 09-Jun-1981
7839 KING 17-Nov-1981
7934 MILLER 23-Jan-1982
SQL> select listagg(empno || '~' || ename || '~' || to_char(hiredate, 'dd-Mon-yyyy'), '^')
2 within group (order by empno) as result
3 from emp
4 where deptno = 10;
If the final result is longer than 4000 characters (is it?), then listagg
won't work because of its limits - in that case, you'd use XMLAGG
Or: if it really is PL/SQL, you can always concatenate that string into a locally declared CLOB datatype variable.