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GitLab: How to skip or allow pipeline step after rebasing online

While reviewing a merge request on, there are times when I have to rebase before completing the merge.

enter image description here

After pressing “Rebase” on gitlab, I have a specific pipeline step fails because it can’t verify the user’s gpg: signature.

How can I skip (or allow) this step when I rebase changes online? Is there a GiLab user id for this online process?


  • From Gitlab UI you can not.

    Actually, from GitLab 15.3 (August 2022), you can:

    Rebase a merge request from the UI without triggering a pipeline

    In large and busy monorepos with semi-linear branching, you might need to rebase your merge requests frequently. To save resources, you might not want to run a pipeline each time you rebase. You could skip the pipeline while rebasing with the API, or by using Git push options or [ci skip] in a commit message, but not when rebasing from the UI in a merge request.

    Now we have an option to skip the pipeline when rebasing from the UI, so you have better control over when a pipeline runs for your merge requests. Thanks to Kev for the contribution!

    See Documentation and Issue.

    To rebase a merge request’s branch without triggering a CI/CD pipeline, select Rebase without pipeline from the merge request reports section.
    This option is available when fast-forward merge is not possible but a conflict-free rebase is possible.

    Rebasing without a CI/CD pipeline saves resources in projects with a semi-linear workflow that requires frequent rebase